• Shawn Tierney replied to the topic Studio 5000. Update course PAC Basics Course in the forum Pre-sales Questions 7 years, 11 months ago

    Good morning Doctor7,

    Thanks for your question in the pre-sales area, however you're already enrolled and it looks like you're about one third the way through the course.

    Rest assured that later in the course you will see Studio 5000 used a few more times, however you may not notice it because Studio 5000 and RSLogix 5000 look nearly identical (much like Word 2013 and 2016 look nearly identical.) Studio 5000 is just the continuation of RSLogix 5000 starting with version 21 as described in the course.

    Also keep in mind most installations in the field require RSLogix 5000 and cannot Studio 5000, and most of the “basics” of using ControlLogix haven't changed much and work identical in both packages.

    That said, during the course I do switch between versions so students get a good look of how things change over time from version 13 to 16 to 20 to 21 & 24. Even though the changes are subtle, I believe it's important to understand how the same software looks different depending on which version is being used.

    If you additional questions about the course please post them right on the bottom on the lesson your question pertains to,


    Shawn Tierney
    PAC Basics Instructor