• Shawn_Tierney replied to the topic Mega Bundle in the forum Pre-sales Questions 6 years, 11 months ago

    Good morning Sid,

    Thank you very much for posting your questions!

    Let me take your second question first:

    ViewSE basics will be releasing this week at an early access discount which is even larger than the large Mega Bundle discount.

    Over time as ViewSE gets closer to completion, the early access discount will shrink.

    And once ViewSE is completed, the Spring 2018 Mega Bundle will be retired and a new Mega bundle with ViewSE will be added.

    That said, it will be less expensive to get ViewSE in early access this week than when it's later added to the new Mega Bundle this summer.

    Now back to your first question.

    For the most part the DVDs are identical to what's online, with the exception of any new bonus or update lessons.

    But DVD owners do get access to new lessons here in the forums via a special DVD owner's forum.

    Eventually, if a course has enough bonus lessons to fill a DVD, my plan it to make an additional DVD available to DVD Courses Owners for the cost of shipping and handling.

    That said, If you'd prefer a Digital + DVD bundle, or just a DVD bundle, I'd be more than happy to put one together for you – just let me know specifically what you're looking for but keep in mind only four courses are currently on DVD.

    Thanks again,

    Shawn Tierney,
    Instructor, The Automation School