Shawn Tierney commented on lesson Lesson 23: PLC Memory 5 years, 3 months ago
Good morning Felipe,
The Binary Data file is intended to be used as internal bits or coils.
For instance, let's say you wanted a signal bit to be one when three limit switches were on, you could use a rung like this:
LS1 LS2 LS3 All_LS_on
I:0/1 I:0/2 I:0/3 B3/1
-[ ]—–[ ]—–[ ]———( )—-They can also be used in Latch and Unlatch instructions, Bit Shift instructions, etc. So just like Integers hold numbers in the PLC's memory, Binary “Bit” addresses hold bit values.
PS – I think by the end of the programming section you'll have a better understanding.
Hope this helps,
Shawn Tierney,
Instructor at The Automation School