Shawn Tierney commented on lesson Lesson 25: Graphic Display Design 1 4 years, 2 months ago
Good morning @eliaquin Jaramillo,
Thank you very much for your question!
The Horizontal Position animation of the Gears in this lesson uses an Integer Tag that has a min of 0 and max of 500.
You could use the code I include with the course (see **note below,) a free running Timer, a System tag, or a Horizontal Slider and memory tag.
The PLC code for a free running timer with a PRE of 500 would look like: XIO T4:0/DN TON T4:0 .01 500 0. In this case the Horizontal Position tag you would use would be T4:0.ACC
If you wanted to use SystemSecond, you could but you'd need to change the animation from 0-500 to 0-59.
If you wanted to use a Horizontal Slider from the Library, you'd assign the Horizontal Position animation to a new Memory tag that is Analog type with a Min of 0 and Max of 500.
**As for the code I use in the course, I provide it as an ACD and PDF in Appendix A:
– PVP Core Basics Link: https://theautomationschool.com/courses/pvp-core-basics-course/lessons/pvp-basics-c-appendix-b/
– PVP Basics+ Link: https://theautomationschool.com/courses/pvp-basics-course/lessons/pvp-basics-appendix-b/Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Shawn Tierney,
Instructor at The Automation School