Shawn Tierney commented on lesson Lesson 29: .MER Runtime Files 4 years, 2 months ago
Good afternoon Nghia,
Thanks for your reply. Sadly, comparing the old recoverable project to the new unrecoverable project might be your best option – if you have a PanelView in house, or get a 30 day trial license for ViewME Runtime, you could likely test it out in your office versus in the field.
As far as the RSLinx Enterprise setup, you'll find the in the Configuration Menu of the PVPlus or ViewME Runtime, so that should be easily obtained.
And as far as the .MER compare feature, it's just a bitwise compare from what I understand.
You may also want to try the “pre-5.0 runtime files into editable projects” trick I show in Appendix D – I haven't tried this with new project so it may not work, but it might be worth a shot?
– https://theautomationschool.com/courses/pvp-basics-course/lessons/pvp-basics-appendix-d/Hope this helps,
Shawn Tierney
Instructor at The Automation School